So What Now, Lord?
You know, knowing what God wants you to do in Life is not always easy. Not that it's hard, per say; it's just that most of us don't think about it, or if we have, we haven't quite pinned it down. The thing is, God wants to fulfill His will for our life more than we even want to know it.. For some, it may be easy to figure out because it's fits right in with what they love doing naturally. For others it may take a little bit of soul searching.
I found myself pondering the same question and was quite frustrated with God for not showing me 'this very minute', what His purpose was for my life. As if! Who was I to demand anything of Him!? I wasted all the time God gave me going around in circles and doing foolishness and now that God has had mercy on me and restored me I have the audacity to be demanding. Really now??
I'm glad God is not like man because I probably wouldn't be writing on this blog right now.
So we come to the question that many may be asking. What is all this talk about purpose?
Well, it is aligning the gift God has given you to use in a way that is particular to you. Our gifts were given by God, but when we use them to glorify Him, it's then that we are fulfilling our God given purpose. In essence, we can use our gifts to do things that do not glorify God. For instance, many people have beautiful singing talents but some sing to give honor and glory to God while others do so to gain fame and wealth and to glorify themselves.
That being said there are some who cannot readily identify their gifts or talents because it is not as obvious as singing or something more prominent. Not to worry. I've found that when I focused on spending time with God and getting to know Him. He started showing me bits and pieces of His purpose for my life. This blog, for example was His idea, not mine.
So how did I start this particular blog? Well let's go back a little bit and I'll show you where I'm coming from.
I've been drawn to blogging for quite a few years now. I, however, wasn't thinking about blogging about my walk with God, particularly. I thought about blogging about cool stuff, you know, like clothing, fashion, music, movies and most recently natural hair. You get the gist.
Mind you, I wasn't the biggest fan of fashion and getting into everything in the fashion world. I wasn't the biggest movie geek either. Music? Please. So how could I even blog about things I hardly knew or was into?
Then one day, just surfing as usual, I bumped into a fellow sister's blog about her journey with God, from the beginning, to the present. I was just so inspired by her boldness, her testimonies and her courage to tell everyone about Jesus. Then I heard in my mind..
"YOU should start a blog".
Mee??? Well I didn't give it any thought more than just, "ahh maybe I'm just being jealous of a sister". Now I didn't feel jealous of her but I just didn't want to do something juust because I saw some else doing it and prospering at it too.
That was until a close friend who I looked up to as a mentor told me the very same thing. "You should start a blog". lol I said, OK Lord, stop pushing, I got it. And so this blog was born.
I know God called me to this blog.
How? How? Wait for it... Wait for it... ...I just do!
You see, when you start spending time with God you begin to know Him. When you Know Him, you know when He speaks. You get used to hearing His voice everyday directing you and then you are able to differentiate His voice from yours.
Added to that, another clue that showed me is that here, on this blog, I feel free to express exactly what's on my mind as God gives it to me, and not just my own thoughts.
When I sit back and read what "I" wrote, I say uh uh, that's not me. I know God is using me. It's not just to say what I'm saying, but right down to framing it the right way. That's means I don't have to do much editing at all. Sometimes I write something and I start erasing it because I think it's too "straight". Then God says, NO, leave it exactly that way; where I would have softened it up a bit. He wants it just the way He wants it and I obey Him.
If we let God do the Speaking, Writing, Singing and Living in our lives, we will have much less editing to do.
I'm not exceptional in any way. I don't have multiple degrees or any great talents or gifts. I'm not receiving any special favor from God. You can know Him the same way I do. He is no respecter of persons. The favor He shows me is what He wants to show to you too.
I believe, and this is just my opinion, that for most of us we have to go through some experiences to foster growth before we can begin to really live our purpose.[ Oh even when we begin living our purpose we will still be growing. Growing in Christ never stops.] Not that I think God wants it that way, but most times we aren't listening to God anyway and He has to use drastic measures in order to get our attention. He would much rather the process be smooth and as pain free as possible. We have enough to go through (and we're going to go through it) already, when we enter fully into God's purpose for our lives, whatever the ministry is that He has called us to.
I've discovered that a lot of time is wasted in our youth, then we only have what's left to give to God. Before we know it we're old and our life seems like the passing wind. When we reflect on it we aren't happy with our life's record or legacy or whatever you want to call it.
This isn't God's will for us.
He wants us to open up fully to Him now while we're young and give everything to Him. We will be happy in our God given purpose, and life will have all the meaning it could ever have. This is the abundant life that Jesus speaks about. Not some pretend happy life that's depressing and stagnant.
Let's take a look for a minute at this story in John 5:1-9 KJV. This is the incident where Jesus healed the man at the pool of Bethesda. It says he had this "...infirmity thirty and eight years...". Jesus came by and asked him if he wanted to be made whole.(Now I would have thought that to be obvious. He's sitting at the pool waiting for the water to be troubled so that he can go in and be healed.)
It struck me that Jesus did not just go up to the man and heal him. He made certain that the man wanted to be healed even though he was right there at the pool. Then so sooner had Jesus told him to "Rise, take up thy bed, and walk", than the man obeyed and did exactly what he was told to do. It says, " And immediately was the man made whole, and took up his bed, and walked..."
That man never stopped to ask his neighbor sitting beside him what their opinion was of what Jesus told him. His whole attention was absorbed with Jesus. Without hesitation , although he had been in that state for thirty eight years, he obeyed. Why was he going to waste another minute? He had nothing to lose. He was ready for the change. He believed with all his heart and Jesus honored his faith.
Immediately, Jesus gave him a directive. Immediately, he followed that directive. He was then given a purpose, which was to tell others what Jesus had done for him. He instantly began living that purpose. We all have a God given purpose just waiting to be awakened when we accept Jesus into our lives.
I mentioned earlier in one of my previous blogs here, that God used someone to redirect me to Him. I was told He had this great big plan and purpose for my life. That was January, 2012. Fast forward to April, 2014 (just about a week ago, yes it was that quick). So now, He told me to go ahead and do this blog, right on top of just being inspired, basically the same week I read that young woman's blog.
I was like wwwooooooww. Already Lord?? He's like, Yes, already. What are you waiting for? Why waste anymore time? I thought you were waiting all this time to know and get right into your purpose.
It's been over two years since I was eager to get right into it. But now, I was saying it's too quick. Can you imagine that??
I found myself pondering the same question and was quite frustrated with God for not showing me 'this very minute', what His purpose was for my life. As if! Who was I to demand anything of Him!? I wasted all the time God gave me going around in circles and doing foolishness and now that God has had mercy on me and restored me I have the audacity to be demanding. Really now??
I'm glad God is not like man because I probably wouldn't be writing on this blog right now.
So we come to the question that many may be asking. What is all this talk about purpose?
Well, it is aligning the gift God has given you to use in a way that is particular to you. Our gifts were given by God, but when we use them to glorify Him, it's then that we are fulfilling our God given purpose. In essence, we can use our gifts to do things that do not glorify God. For instance, many people have beautiful singing talents but some sing to give honor and glory to God while others do so to gain fame and wealth and to glorify themselves.
That being said there are some who cannot readily identify their gifts or talents because it is not as obvious as singing or something more prominent. Not to worry. I've found that when I focused on spending time with God and getting to know Him. He started showing me bits and pieces of His purpose for my life. This blog, for example was His idea, not mine.
So how did I start this particular blog? Well let's go back a little bit and I'll show you where I'm coming from.
I've been drawn to blogging for quite a few years now. I, however, wasn't thinking about blogging about my walk with God, particularly. I thought about blogging about cool stuff, you know, like clothing, fashion, music, movies and most recently natural hair. You get the gist.
Mind you, I wasn't the biggest fan of fashion and getting into everything in the fashion world. I wasn't the biggest movie geek either. Music? Please. So how could I even blog about things I hardly knew or was into?
Then one day, just surfing as usual, I bumped into a fellow sister's blog about her journey with God, from the beginning, to the present. I was just so inspired by her boldness, her testimonies and her courage to tell everyone about Jesus. Then I heard in my mind..
"YOU should start a blog".
Mee??? Well I didn't give it any thought more than just, "ahh maybe I'm just being jealous of a sister". Now I didn't feel jealous of her but I just didn't want to do something juust because I saw some else doing it and prospering at it too.
That was until a close friend who I looked up to as a mentor told me the very same thing. "You should start a blog". lol I said, OK Lord, stop pushing, I got it. And so this blog was born.
I know God called me to this blog.
How? How? Wait for it... Wait for it... ...I just do!
You see, when you start spending time with God you begin to know Him. When you Know Him, you know when He speaks. You get used to hearing His voice everyday directing you and then you are able to differentiate His voice from yours.
Added to that, another clue that showed me is that here, on this blog, I feel free to express exactly what's on my mind as God gives it to me, and not just my own thoughts.
When I sit back and read what "I" wrote, I say uh uh, that's not me. I know God is using me. It's not just to say what I'm saying, but right down to framing it the right way. That's means I don't have to do much editing at all. Sometimes I write something and I start erasing it because I think it's too "straight". Then God says, NO, leave it exactly that way; where I would have softened it up a bit. He wants it just the way He wants it and I obey Him.
If we let God do the Speaking, Writing, Singing and Living in our lives, we will have much less editing to do.
I'm not exceptional in any way. I don't have multiple degrees or any great talents or gifts. I'm not receiving any special favor from God. You can know Him the same way I do. He is no respecter of persons. The favor He shows me is what He wants to show to you too.
I believe, and this is just my opinion, that for most of us we have to go through some experiences to foster growth before we can begin to really live our purpose.[ Oh even when we begin living our purpose we will still be growing. Growing in Christ never stops.] Not that I think God wants it that way, but most times we aren't listening to God anyway and He has to use drastic measures in order to get our attention. He would much rather the process be smooth and as pain free as possible. We have enough to go through (and we're going to go through it) already, when we enter fully into God's purpose for our lives, whatever the ministry is that He has called us to.
I've discovered that a lot of time is wasted in our youth, then we only have what's left to give to God. Before we know it we're old and our life seems like the passing wind. When we reflect on it we aren't happy with our life's record or legacy or whatever you want to call it.
This isn't God's will for us.
He wants us to open up fully to Him now while we're young and give everything to Him. We will be happy in our God given purpose, and life will have all the meaning it could ever have. This is the abundant life that Jesus speaks about. Not some pretend happy life that's depressing and stagnant.
Let's take a look for a minute at this story in John 5:1-9 KJV. This is the incident where Jesus healed the man at the pool of Bethesda. It says he had this "...infirmity thirty and eight years...". Jesus came by and asked him if he wanted to be made whole.(Now I would have thought that to be obvious. He's sitting at the pool waiting for the water to be troubled so that he can go in and be healed.)
It struck me that Jesus did not just go up to the man and heal him. He made certain that the man wanted to be healed even though he was right there at the pool. Then so sooner had Jesus told him to "Rise, take up thy bed, and walk", than the man obeyed and did exactly what he was told to do. It says, " And immediately was the man made whole, and took up his bed, and walked..."
That man never stopped to ask his neighbor sitting beside him what their opinion was of what Jesus told him. His whole attention was absorbed with Jesus. Without hesitation , although he had been in that state for thirty eight years, he obeyed. Why was he going to waste another minute? He had nothing to lose. He was ready for the change. He believed with all his heart and Jesus honored his faith.
Immediately, Jesus gave him a directive. Immediately, he followed that directive. He was then given a purpose, which was to tell others what Jesus had done for him. He instantly began living that purpose. We all have a God given purpose just waiting to be awakened when we accept Jesus into our lives.
I mentioned earlier in one of my previous blogs here, that God used someone to redirect me to Him. I was told He had this great big plan and purpose for my life. That was January, 2012. Fast forward to April, 2014 (just about a week ago, yes it was that quick). So now, He told me to go ahead and do this blog, right on top of just being inspired, basically the same week I read that young woman's blog.
I was like wwwooooooww. Already Lord?? He's like, Yes, already. What are you waiting for? Why waste anymore time? I thought you were waiting all this time to know and get right into your purpose.
It's been over two years since I was eager to get right into it. But now, I was saying it's too quick. Can you imagine that??
God knows what He needs to do in us before we're ready to be entrusted with even our very own life's work or ministry.
So how do I get into living my purpose, you ask?
Get into living for God.
It's just that simple. We don't think up a purpose then bring it to God to bless it. We live in obedience to Him as far as His word dictates and before we know it, we're full steam ahead in what He ordained us to do.
And you know what? All this chatter on purpose this and purpose that. All God wants us to do is to live for Him and to glorify Him. When we seek most to do that we will find that we are already fulfilling His purpose for our lives anyway.
Does my purpose begin and end with blogging?
Obviously not.
I still have a life outside of this blog. When we make that full surrender to God, every task He gives us, big or small, is a part of living our purpose.
We don't come to God just to show others "Hey, I'm doing what God ordained for my life .What you doin?". Noo. We fall in love with Him, then in obedience to Him, we naturally are led to His highest calling for us. It's NOT EVER about us; NOT for show, and certainly not to laud it over anyone else. It is a SERVICE. A call for us to serve our sisters(or brothers). It's a call to forget about ourselves and to think about others first. It's a call to HUMILITY.
Still want to know your God-given purpose? Great!
I just want to leave you with these two passages of scripture that I love to meditate on from time to time. They are a constant reminder that God knew me and had BIG plans for me even before I knew myself. They kept me patient while I waited on Him to lead me to my purpose. That is, when I began really living for Him. Jeremiah 29:11 For I Know the thoughts I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not evil, to give you an expected end. He wants you to have a great beginning and a great ending to your life! A record that you will be pleased to look back and see! Not just so you could be pleased about what you accomplished; but that you would be content that you didn't live for yourself but for God's glory.
You may not be a young woman, or even middle aged. That's OK. God's plan for your life still applies. Even if you have to "begin again", this promise from your Father is yours to cherish. And in Jeremiah 1:5 He says; Before I knew thee: and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
You may not necessarily be called to be a prophet, to preach, or even to blog, but your mission is certain because your creator ordained it. Stay in God's word. Live intentionally for Him and He will lead you and bring you into your true calling!
So how do I get into living my purpose, you ask?
Get into living for God.
It's just that simple. We don't think up a purpose then bring it to God to bless it. We live in obedience to Him as far as His word dictates and before we know it, we're full steam ahead in what He ordained us to do.
And you know what? All this chatter on purpose this and purpose that. All God wants us to do is to live for Him and to glorify Him. When we seek most to do that we will find that we are already fulfilling His purpose for our lives anyway.
Does my purpose begin and end with blogging?
Obviously not.
I still have a life outside of this blog. When we make that full surrender to God, every task He gives us, big or small, is a part of living our purpose.
We don't come to God just to show others "Hey, I'm doing what God ordained for my life .What you doin?". Noo. We fall in love with Him, then in obedience to Him, we naturally are led to His highest calling for us. It's NOT EVER about us; NOT for show, and certainly not to laud it over anyone else. It is a SERVICE. A call for us to serve our sisters(or brothers). It's a call to forget about ourselves and to think about others first. It's a call to HUMILITY.
Still want to know your God-given purpose? Great!
I just want to leave you with these two passages of scripture that I love to meditate on from time to time. They are a constant reminder that God knew me and had BIG plans for me even before I knew myself. They kept me patient while I waited on Him to lead me to my purpose. That is, when I began really living for Him. Jeremiah 29:11 For I Know the thoughts I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not evil, to give you an expected end. He wants you to have a great beginning and a great ending to your life! A record that you will be pleased to look back and see! Not just so you could be pleased about what you accomplished; but that you would be content that you didn't live for yourself but for God's glory.
You may not be a young woman, or even middle aged. That's OK. God's plan for your life still applies. Even if you have to "begin again", this promise from your Father is yours to cherish. And in Jeremiah 1:5 He says; Before I knew thee: and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
You may not necessarily be called to be a prophet, to preach, or even to blog, but your mission is certain because your creator ordained it. Stay in God's word. Live intentionally for Him and He will lead you and bring you into your true calling!
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