Get Rid of fear FOREVERR!!
Just recently I had an experience that caused me to be fearful.
This wasn't just any type of fear. It was a deep rooted sense of consternation that made me feel that I would be separated from my Heavenly Father. Yup. It was that deep.While I can't get into the details of why I felt that way, I can assure you that I never want to feel that way again. The main thing I remember as I was going through this particular experience is the totally hopeless way I felt. It caused me so much grief that I determined I never want to feel out of step with my Father or even think that He's left me even for a moment.
Don't you just love when 'BUT' inserts itself in a good way (smile). HE NEVER LEFT. I only FELT as if He did. OOH Praise GOD! Thank You JESUS!!( I just had to shout. lol Getting my praise on too).As I went to bed that night I was wondering if I had messed up or if I had wrong thoughts about the situation. Ever felt that way in your walk with God? Yes? Well my concern was, "Lord are my feelings right toward this particular situation? I am being too heavenly minded?" On the other hand, I wondered, "Am I in step with you or out of step?" By the way, no one else was included in this experience or attached to it in any way. This was just my thoughts and Jesus. There was no exchange between other individuals and myself. I simply observed something that I had strong opinions about and wanted to know if my feelings originated with myself or with God.
My fear came from not wanting to condemn individuals and at the same time not wanting to be a people pleaser and not a God pleaser. That is, in the event that I was involved in the situation directly.
Fear come in all shades, shapes and sizes.
They can be longstanding, as in from childhood traumas; or they can arise out of certain life experiences.Regardless of it's origin there is one thing about fear. It can cripple us and leave us in that state for the rest of our lives if we don't know that Jesus can free us.
Fear doesn't have to cripple you. God says He did not create us with a spirit of fear(2 Tim 1:7). He gives us a sound mind in exchange for our alarm, our dread and our confusion.
So did I receive my answer from God?
I sure did.
God is not slack concerning His promises. As I awoke the next morning, Psalm 121 came to my mind and was just constantly pressing on me. I decided to take the hint. lol. Please bear with me as I go through this scripture. It gave me so much joy and lifted me up in such a way that I just have to share it with you.
This was God's reminder and comfort to me. This was Him telling me and reassuring me that I had not disappointed Him in any way and that my thoughts were in line with His word/will. Even more comforting was the reassurance that He was right there guarding me, protecting me; and that He never intends to stop.
So this is what God said to me from Psalm 121:
3) Vs 5-8 ; The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day nor the moon by night. The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.God is my security guard. He can do a much better job than the Slomin shield and a thousand earthly bodyguards. All the armies of the military could not provide or even come close to the protection that I have from my Heavenly Father. That, my sisters, is worth my undying and untiring devotion. His protection is not limited to just your dwelling place. He doesn't just intend to keep your place of residence safe. He intends that no bodily harm should come to you. Not even the sun will scorch you. Your little cuts, scrapes and nicks are noticed by God and He doesn't like them any better than you do.No bodily harm means exactly that. NO BODILY HARM.
God keeps us not only from the evil we see but from the evil we don't see. We can see when our loved ones, coworkers, employers or even strangers mean us harm. However, we can't see the evil that the enemy perpetrates. Yes he uses all of those entities I just mentioned above, even though they may not know it. But he doesn't stop there. Oh no! He himself will try to destroy you when his other methods don't succeed. How grateful I am to know that God fights my unseen evils.
This wasn't just any type of fear. It was a deep rooted sense of consternation that made me feel that I would be separated from my Heavenly Father. Yup. It was that deep.While I can't get into the details of why I felt that way, I can assure you that I never want to feel that way again. The main thing I remember as I was going through this particular experience is the totally hopeless way I felt. It caused me so much grief that I determined I never want to feel out of step with my Father or even think that He's left me even for a moment.
Don't you just love when 'BUT' inserts itself in a good way (smile). HE NEVER LEFT. I only FELT as if He did. OOH Praise GOD! Thank You JESUS!!( I just had to shout. lol Getting my praise on too).As I went to bed that night I was wondering if I had messed up or if I had wrong thoughts about the situation. Ever felt that way in your walk with God? Yes? Well my concern was, "Lord are my feelings right toward this particular situation? I am being too heavenly minded?" On the other hand, I wondered, "Am I in step with you or out of step?" By the way, no one else was included in this experience or attached to it in any way. This was just my thoughts and Jesus. There was no exchange between other individuals and myself. I simply observed something that I had strong opinions about and wanted to know if my feelings originated with myself or with God.
My fear came from not wanting to condemn individuals and at the same time not wanting to be a people pleaser and not a God pleaser. That is, in the event that I was involved in the situation directly.
Fear come in all shades, shapes and sizes.
They can be longstanding, as in from childhood traumas; or they can arise out of certain life experiences.Regardless of it's origin there is one thing about fear. It can cripple us and leave us in that state for the rest of our lives if we don't know that Jesus can free us.
Fear doesn't have to cripple you. God says He did not create us with a spirit of fear(2 Tim 1:7). He gives us a sound mind in exchange for our alarm, our dread and our confusion.
So did I receive my answer from God?
I sure did.
God is not slack concerning His promises. As I awoke the next morning, Psalm 121 came to my mind and was just constantly pressing on me. I decided to take the hint. lol. Please bear with me as I go through this scripture. It gave me so much joy and lifted me up in such a way that I just have to share it with you.
This was God's reminder and comfort to me. This was Him telling me and reassuring me that I had not disappointed Him in any way and that my thoughts were in line with His word/will. Even more comforting was the reassurance that He was right there guarding me, protecting me; and that He never intends to stop.
So this is what God said to me from Psalm 121:
1) Vs 1, 2 - I will Lift up mine eyes unto the hills. From whence cometh my help? My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. Now I don't know what David meant when he said that he will lift up His eyes unto the hills. I know no help comes from earthly things or entities. The next line, however, shows that David knew from where His help came. Our Father reminds us that He is our help in all situations. That was the moment I knew God had something to say to me that was going to set me straight. Oh yes! "Remember", He said, "where you get your help. It's not from your mom or dad, your spouse or best friend. Your help, ALL of your help, comes from Me!"
2) Vs 3,4- He will not suffer thy foot to be moved. He that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. "Inga", He said. "I'm not sleeping. I got you! I know your heart better than you do and know just how you feel. I will never cause you to fall." In other words, those words that express God not allowing my foot to be moved was His way of saying; "I am your foundation. I am The immovable, Unshakable God; and as surely as you are mine, your foundation will always be stable." What powerful words from my Heavenly Father. You don't know how relieved and at peace and just so blessed I felt at that moment.Nothing comes close to God himself speaking to you and soothing your greatest fears. Try Him. He wants to soothe you too.
2) Vs 3,4- He will not suffer thy foot to be moved. He that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. "Inga", He said. "I'm not sleeping. I got you! I know your heart better than you do and know just how you feel. I will never cause you to fall." In other words, those words that express God not allowing my foot to be moved was His way of saying; "I am your foundation. I am The immovable, Unshakable God; and as surely as you are mine, your foundation will always be stable." What powerful words from my Heavenly Father. You don't know how relieved and at peace and just so blessed I felt at that moment.Nothing comes close to God himself speaking to you and soothing your greatest fears. Try Him. He wants to soothe you too.
3) Vs 5-8 ; The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day nor the moon by night. The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.God is my security guard. He can do a much better job than the Slomin shield and a thousand earthly bodyguards. All the armies of the military could not provide or even come close to the protection that I have from my Heavenly Father. That, my sisters, is worth my undying and untiring devotion. His protection is not limited to just your dwelling place. He doesn't just intend to keep your place of residence safe. He intends that no bodily harm should come to you. Not even the sun will scorch you. Your little cuts, scrapes and nicks are noticed by God and He doesn't like them any better than you do.No bodily harm means exactly that. NO BODILY HARM.
God keeps us not only from the evil we see but from the evil we don't see. We can see when our loved ones, coworkers, employers or even strangers mean us harm. However, we can't see the evil that the enemy perpetrates. Yes he uses all of those entities I just mentioned above, even though they may not know it. But he doesn't stop there. Oh no! He himself will try to destroy you when his other methods don't succeed. How grateful I am to know that God fights my unseen evils.
Do we really have any reason to fear? Are we justified in our way of reasoning when God's word is as plain as day? I don't know of any earthly being or agency that can offer that type of life insurance/assurance. Do you?
God's word is our way of knowing exactly how He feels about us and His intentions for our lives. Fear has no place in His plan. To truly love God is to know Him, believe Him and obey Him. We know Him by spending time in His word and we show our love for Him when we are obedient to His word. With all these promises to protect and keep us knowing who He is, fear should have no place in our lives.
It is the enemy's plan to keep us fearful so that we won't embrace God's plan for
our lives.
our lives.
I know that sometimes we may still experience fear. However, it should not dictate our response. Our response should be standing on what we know to be true; on what God has said to us. If we don't believe what God says then our fears will rule. The first step to getting rid of fear is to believe what God says to us and about us.
When we know who we are and whose we are we are, we act in a way that
says it.
says it.
Let God's word rule in your heart and let it be a constant reminder that He made you to have Power, Love and A Sound Mind. He gives His Power to establish you and enable you to do all He asks you to do, His Love so you can love Him and stay in right relationship to others; and A Sound Mind to know His will and live in obedience to it.
Give God all your fears today and release yourself from this unnecessary burden. It is time to for you to live above your fears. Blessings my loves!
A Woman's Place! Blessings on you!
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