Have you ever felt the pain of a betrayal? I have. It's something that I never want to experience in my life ever again. It's one of the worst feelings another human being can experience. I don't know what it is; but it can't be that hard to keep away from people you don't like. I mean come on. It makes more sense to me to hang with folk who you actually appreciate and whose company you favor and whose lifestyle you admire. Not only that, but who also relate to you the same way. Why? Why would you attach yourself to someone whom you hate and plot to destroy them? It would seem rather foolish to dedicate your personal time, years even, to study someone and get personal with them for years only to sabotage their life. I know there are other things I'd rather find myself doing, like relaxing at the beach, reading a good book, eating and enjoying myself than building a pretend friendship. But I suppose we at some point have to wake up and realize that life is jus...